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Greenwashing: A Report on the Corporate Selling of Polluting Wood Pellet Production is the Rachel Carson Council’s (RCC) third comprehensive report exposing the wood pellet industry, following Clear Cut and Bad Business which respectively explore the “forces driving the wood pellet industry’s hold in the United States” and the “money behind the wood pellet industry.” Each report in the series discusses the severe environmental and climate damage caused by wood pellet production in the United States (U.S.).

But Greenwashing offers a new perspective, shedding light on the deceptive claims made by and misinformation surrounding the industry that has increased wood pellet production and retarded remedies. It makes a compelling case for the U.S. to abandon entirely the practice of burning wood pellets for fuel. Greenwashing is designed to investigate, educate, and promote action. It compiles the main research from prominent environmental groups, universities, and research institutions about the consequences of exploiting woody biomass for energy, including its effects on environmental justice communities and the environment.

Rachel Carson was deeply attached to woodlands, especially around her home in Maine, where she worked to prevent their clear-cutting. As Carson wrote at the time, “I have had many precious moments in these woods, and this past fall as I walked there the feeling became overwhelming that something must be done.” Greenwashing reflects Rachel Carson’s bold spirit and gives contemporary scholars, students, citizens, journalists and policy makers the best, up-to date research to make sure that something indeed will be done.