While you apply deicing products to keep your walkways clear of snow and ice, remember that underneath the snow there is vegetation (though dormant) growing. Although it’s fairly common knowledge that deicing products can harm plants, what about pets and children?
Deicing products are primarily comprised of salt which can cause injury to trees, lawns and shrubs, as well as corrode concrete and even do bodily harm to humans if handled improperly or ingested. There is also the danger of your pets getting it on their paws which may burn them or they may lick their paws and ingest the salt which is toxic. Some deicer products are lethal to pets if ingested.
Salt damages plants by dehydrating plant tissues (causing burn) or by being toxic in high levels. While most plants have some tolerance to salt injury, repeated applications of deicing products during the winter can result in dieback or even death the following spring. Misapplications or over application of deicers (i.e. dumping piles or using too much) can wash into the storm sewers, causing pollution of the water table.
Below are four basic deicing products and some of their characteristics:
Sodium chloride
Potassium chloride
Magnesium chloride
Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA)
Before using any product, clear away as much snow and ice as possible. Get out your shovel and do your best. If heavy snow is predicted, then try to shovel more frequently.
If you want to avoid chemicals in your landscape, then consider using sand or kitty litter. While they don’t melt snow, they can provide some much needed traction in slippery spots. Sand and kitty litter are also safe for pets and plants and can be swept up when the snow melts.