Plastic Bag Bans Have Drastically Reduced Ocean Pollution 11-08-24
Ships Sent to Clean Great Pacific Garbage Patch in Middle of Ocean Return to SF 09-06-24
The World is Pumping Out 57 Million Tons of Plastic Pollution a Year 09-04-24
Report Card Gives Chesapeake Bay a C+, Its Best Grade in 21 Years 07-11-24
Is Biodegradable Plastic Really a Thing? 06-20-24
Shellfish Harvesting Closed Along Entire Oregon Coast 06-06-24
New York State Legislature Strikes A Blow Against Plastic Pollution 05-10-24
California Advances Bill to Strengthen Ban on Plastic Bags 05-21-24
Study Shows Ocean May Be Spitting Toxins Back at Us 04-29-24
Lawmakers Move to Ban Release of Balloons, But Bill Limiting Regulation of Plastics is in Jeopardy 02-08-24
Florida Teen Transforms Trash Into Art For Ocean Conservation 01-09-24
‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate America’s Freshwater Fish 01-04-24
North Atlantic Orcas Reveal the Troubling Persistence of Toxic Ocean Pollutants 11-27-23
Beaked Whale Calf’s Death Attributed to Plastic Pollution 11-08-23
We Are Trashing Our Oceans. Here’s How River Cleanups Could Help. 10-17-23
Marine Lab Study Finds Microplastics Embedded in Tissues of Whales and Dolphins 08-10-23
Worries over seafood safety mount as Japan releases Fukushima water into the Pacific 08-24-23
Deep-Sea Mining Can Chase off Marine Life for Months 07-18-23
At Sea as on Land? Activists Oppose Industrial Farming in U.S. Waters 06-26-23
The Potomac Could Soon Be Safe For Swimming, But it Remains Vulnerable to Pollution 05-17-23
Sonny Behan’s ‘Beneath the Waves’ Advocates For Ocean Conservation in Downtown Laguna 05-13-23
There’s Tons of Plastic in the Ocean — and It’s Only Getting Worse 01-31-23
Why I’m a garbage collector for the world’s oceans 01-23-23
Just One Meal of Caught Fish Per Year is a Significant Dose of PFAS 01-13-23
Marine Plankton Hold a Long Record of Ocean Health 12-22-22
Amazon’s Plastic Packaging Waste Grew 18% in 2021, Report Says 12-15-22
Fed Up With the Ocean’s Plastic Problems, UC Irvine Post-grads Open Zero-waste Market 11-27-22
Whales Ingest Millions of Microplastic Particles a Day, Study Finds 11-01-22
Hawaii to US Navy: Quit polluting Our Waters 10-06-22
Ocean Oil Pollution is Growing — and Not From Oil Spills 09-29-22
History of DDT Ocean Dumping Off L.A. Coast Even Worse Than Expected, EPA Finds. 08-04-22
Toxic Chemicals Found in Oysters in Biscayne Bay Pose Potential Health Concerns 07-17-22
National Parks Aim to Phase Out All Single-Use Plastics by 2032 06-09-22
Scientists are tracking the link between pollution, climate change, and rising mercury levels in fish 04-11-22
Heartbreaking photos show octopuses living in discarded trash on ocean floor 03-15-22
The Deep Ocean Is Essential for Life on Earth—but It Is Under Threat 03-02-22
Yes, Disposable Masks Are Made of Plastic. And That’s a Problem. 02-22-22
There Are Massive Chemical Dumps In The Gulf We Know Almost Nothing About 02-14-22
The 17th Day: Two Mammals Swimming in a Toxic World 12-29-21
Plastic may soon trump coal as climate killer in US: study 10-21-21
Recycled Plastic Won’t Solve Tech’s Waste Problem 10-06-21
A rare ecological gem is slicked with spilled oil — again 10-05-21
After Hurricane Ida, Oil Infrastructure Springs Dozens of Leaks 09-26-21
Scooping Plastic Out of the Ocean Is a Losing Game 09-21-21
Conservationists call for urgent ban on deep-sea mining 09-07-21
The Race for EV Parts Leads to Risky Deep-Ocean Mining 07-29-21
What’s the True Cost of Shipping All Your Junk Across the Ocean? 07-27-21
Miles of California beaches closed after 17M gallons of sewage spills 07-13-21
Maine approves law to shift recycling costs to producers 07-13-21
The Ocean is Full of Tiny Plastic Particles – We Found a Way to Track Them With Satellites 07-09-21
A Proposal to Make Cargo Ships Pay For Pollution is Making Waves 07-07-21
Moving from awareness to action on plastic pollution 07-05-21
Coast Guard: ‘Large’ oil leak during Georgia ship demolition 07-01-21
Opinion: A ‘virgin plastics’ tax could help save the oceans 06-20-21
Email reveals how much coal ash has leaked from stranded barge 06-14-21
A Drone Army Is Rising Against Ocean Plastics 06-14-21
How bankruptcy lets oil and gas companies evade cleanup rules 06-07-21
Ocean Plastic: What You Need to Know 06-08-21
Up and down Florida’s coast, some manatees still struggle with starvation after peak die-off 05-25-21
Plastics and toxic chemicals are killing fish — and poisoning us 04-27-21
There Are Massive Chemical Dumps In The Gulf We Know Almost Nothing About 04-22-21
The ocean is a giant dump for chemical weapons. Can we clean it up before it’s too late? 04-12-21
How a shocking environmental disaster was uncovered off the California coast after 70 years 04-12-21
‘Plastic Pollution Is a Social Justice Issue,’ New Report Warns 04-01-21
‘Underwater Roombas’ Searching Ocean Floor for DDT Dumped Near Catalina 03-21-21
5 Things to Know About Plastic Pollution and How to Stop It 03-17-21
Trawling for Fish May Unleash as Much Carbon as Air Travel, Study Says 03-17-21
Will the Race for Electric Vehicles Endanger the Earth’s Most Sensitive Ecosystem? 03-10-21
New Research Shows Just How Many Fish Are Eating Plastic 03-05-21
Beneath the blue: dive into a dazzling ocean under threat – interactive 02-23-21
Coastal Darkening Is a Hidden Environmental Nuisance 02-14-21
U.S. and Russia sign new maritime pollution agreement, conduct joint Bering Sea patrol 02-10-21
Hundreds of fish species, including many that humans eat, are consuming plastic 02-09-21
In the Oceans, the Volume Is Rising as Never Before 02-08-21
Why Ocean Pollution is a Clear Danger to Human Health 02-01-21
RCC and National Coalition Urge Biden to Stop Throwaway Plastics That Are Inundating the Oceans 12-19-20
Deadliest plastics: bags and packaging biggest marine life killers, study finds 12-13-20
Deep-sea ‘gold rush’: secretive plans to carve up the seabed decried 12-08-20
Key West Votes to Ban Large Cruise Ships Citing Economic and Environmental Impact 11-13-20
Study: Plastic Pollution Increases Ocean Acidification 11-10-20
Metal pollution is leaving scallops helpless against crabs and lobsters 11-05-20
Americans May Add Five Times More Plastic to the Oceans Than Thought 10-30-20
New WWF Report Shines a Light on Getting Rid of Ghost Gear 10-21-20
COVID-19 Pandemic Has Led To More Ocean Plastic Pollution 10-12-20
‘Poisoning the Pacific’: New book details US military contamination of islands and ocean 10-10-20
More than 14m tonnes of plastic believed to be at the bottom of the ocean 10-05-20
Hawai‘ian reefs lost almost half their fish to pollution and fishing 09-21-20
Humans’ construction footprint in the ocean quantified for the first time 09-08-20
Plastics Are Messing with Fish Physiology 09-02-20
Are Forever Chemicals Harming Ocean Life? 08-24-20
A New Plastic Wave is Coming to Our Shores Summer 2020
Could Fish Kill In Biscayne Bay Be A Sign Of Worsening Pollution? 08-12-20
Stranded whales and dolphins offer a snapshot of ocean contamination 08-10-20
Hundreds of Toxic Superfund Sites Imperiled by Sea-Level Rise, Study Warns 07-28-20
Sediment plumes from deep-sea mining could pollute vast swaths of the ocean, scientists say 07-20-20
How your car sheds microplastics into the ocean thousands of miles away 07-15-20
Audubon Challenges CBRA Sand Mining Rule 07-14-20
Toxic mercury pollution found in the ocean’s deepest point 06-28-20
An Unexpected Dinner Guest: Marine Plastic Pollution Hides a Neurological Toxin in Our Food 06-07-20
A Wave of Plastic 05-19-20