Previous Birds, Climate, Ecology News

The Supreme Court’s Overruling of Chevron Deference 07-10-24

Most Birds Are at Great Risk From Climate Change 07-05-24

Unnatural Selection 06-06-24

First Baby Eagles Hatch on Reborn Chesapeake Island 05-28-24

A Quest to Bring Back Habitat For Grassland Birds 05-03-24

No Birdsong, No Water in the Creek, No Beating Wings: How a Haven For Nature Fell Silent 04-16-24

This New-to-Louisiana Bird Wails Like a Banshee But Eats Pesky Nuisance, Saving Crops 04-07-24

‘Simply Mind-boggling’: World Record Temperature Jump in Antarctic Raises Fears of Catastrophe 04-06-24

In Maine’s North Woods, Some Bird Species Are Increasingly Abundant. Scientists Aren’t Sure Why 03-28-24

Why Are There So Many Birds in Massachusetts During the Winter? 02-13-24


Can Black Paint Help Birds Avoid Wind Turbines? 12-27-23

What Conservation Sounds Like 09-28-23

Bird Biodiversity is Declining in Places We’ve Altered 10-11-23

Space Weather Disrupts Nocturnal Bird Migration, Study Finds 10-09-23

Warmer Oceans Are Driving More Frequent Seabird Die-Offs, Preventing Populations From Recovering 08-31-23

As Project Puffin Completes a Milestone Summer, Uncertainties Remain Because of the Effects of Climate Change. 08-30-23

Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise. 08-24-23

Thousands of penguin chicks killed by early sea ice break up, study says 08-23-23

This songbird’s genes may show how climate change has sped up evolution 08-23-23

The Willow Project Threatens Alaska Bird Breeding Paradise 07-10-23

Seabird Die-Offs Linked to Marine Heat Waves 07-07-23


Dry Year Creates Perfect Storm For Migrating Birds 11-08-22

Left Out to Dry: Wildlife Threatened by Colorado River Basin Water Crisis 09-12-22

Solving the Climate Crisis Will Help Both ‘sacrifice zones’ and ‘cute’ Puffins 09-09-22

How Climate Change is Muting Nature’s Symphony 08-03-22

Swamps Can Protect Against Climate Change, If We Only Let Them 07-04-22

Neonic Nation: Is Widespread Pesticide Use Connected to Grassland Bird Declines? 06-24-22

We Saved the Puffins. Now A Warming Planet is Unraveling That Work. 01-04-22


Maine bird species may become extinct in our lifetime as climate warms 11-11-21


Birds of prey face global decline from habitat loss, poisons 08-30-21

Drought? This Is What Climate Change Looks like in the West 08-14-21

Virtually All Emperor Penguins Doomed For Extinction By 2100 as Climate Change Looms, Study Finds 08-04-21


The Western Drought Is a Crisis for Migrating Birds, Too 07-26-21

Can Arctic Animals Keep Up With Climate Change? Scientists are Trying to Find Out 07-26-21

Florida’s Early and Severe Red Tide Raises Concern for Coastal Bird Safety 07-23-21

The Entire Colorado River Basin is in Crisis 07-16-21

Restoring Native Grasslands to Help Birds 07-5-21

Why it Matters That Climate Change is Shrinking Birds 07-10-21


A Watershed Moment: How Boston’s Charles River Went From Polluted to Pristine 06-30-21

New Federal Report Confirms Ongoing Crisis for North American Birds 06-15-21

The Sounds of Silence: What the Birds Tell Us About Climate and Where We Live 06-11-21

Bay Area Birds: Effort underway to restore Great Lakes bird populations 06-03-21


Seabirds are today’s canaries in the coal mine – and they’re sending us an urgent message 05-27-21

New Insights on Phenomenal Bird Numbers at Great Salt Lake 05-27-21

Biden’s Climate Chops Face A Big Test On Old-Growth Forests 05-20-21

17-year Cicadas: Bird Buffet or Big Disturbance? 05-18-21


One of North Carolina’s Last Unprotected Barrier Islands to be Conserved 04-21-21

The Oak Tree – A Bird Sanctuary? 04-14-21

How Many Birds Are Killed by Wind Turbines? 04-04-21


Indigenous Tribe Leads Efforts to Reintroduce Condors to Pacific Northwest  03-29-21

Birds and Climate Change 03-28-21

Biden’s Chance to Save the Everglades 03-27-21

Farms, feathers, and fins share water in California 03-24-21