Previous Faith, Science & Action News

42 faith Groups in 14 Countries Announce Divestment From Fossil Fuels 05-17-20

More than 40 faith institutions committed to divest their finances from fossil fuels while at the same time calling for the post-pandemic economic recovery to shift the world toward a low-carbon future. Read more at Earth Beat

Wait, 40 percent of white evangelicals support the Green New Deal? 07-29-19

In the 2016 presidential election, 81 percent of white evangelical Christians voted to elect President Trump. But this core base of the Republican Party, despite Fox News’ efforts, is more receptive to large-scale action to combat climate change than you might expect. Read more at Grist

Religious communities are taking on climate change 09-18-17

Churches that have long played a role in social justice are stepping up

Pope Francis stands in front of a statue of St. Francis of Assisi. The pope, who takes his name from St. Francis, the patron saint of animals and ecosystems, has led a call to action on climate change for the Catholic community. Read more at High Country News

AP Poll: Ecology, Religion a Natural Mix for Some Americans 12-7-15

As a group, the most religious Americans are less likely than others in the U.S. to trust the science of global warming. Yet one group of faithful American not only believes the threat is real, but also feels obliged to help save Earth’s climate, and analysis by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and Yale University shows …Full article

Pope Francis’s Eight Major Messages in His Own Words 6-18-15

In his sweeping encyclical, the pope appeals to humanity to face the global climate change crisis. In a document remarkable for its depth, Pope Francis unveiled his long-awaited encyclical on the environment, in essence calling on humanity to address a climate and environmental crisis that calls for global action. The nearly 200-page treatise stretches far beyond a usual enclyclical. documents meant to steer church teaching for the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics. It instead addresses the entire global community in a harsh critique of modern life, calling for reassessment of lifestyles and politics and economics that have let to the climate change that threaten us all …Full article

Catholics in 45 Countries Hope to Send a Climate Message Through Their Lenten Chain of Fasting 2-17-15

A chain of one-day fasts will sweep across 45 countries between Ash Wednesday and Easter, beginning in Peru and ending up in Botswana. “We think it is very important that Catholics understand climate change and the importance of the UN negotiations in Paris,” said Ciara Shannon, who is coordinating a Hong King fast on February 23rd …more

Pro-life equals pro-planet for this green evangelical leader 12-26-14

Evangelicals make up about 26% of the country’s population, and, as you might imagine, they typically swing conservative on social issues. But as it turns out that a growing percentage are also largely “pro-life” — at least when it comes to converving the planet …Full article

Catholic Bishops’ statement in Lima on the road to Paris 12-9-14

Working together at the High-level event at the COP20 in Lima, Bishops from all continents called for a fair and legally binding climate agreement to be signed at the COP21 in Paris, 2015. Full article

The stereotype of Evangelical Christians is that they are anti-science, and therefore don’t believe in climate change 10-6-14

But in fact, they are deeply divided over environmental issues. A debate over climate change is raging in Evangelical churches, fueled by conflcting interpretations of biblical scripture (Oct 2014) …more

Pope Francis Called For More Respect for Nature in an Address at the University of Molise, Italy 7-7-14 …more

Stewards of the Earth: Local Churches Going Green as Part of Their Faith 7-14 …more

Rabbi Moti Rieber travels the politically red state of Kansas 7-15-14

Armed with the book Genesis, a Psalm and even the words of Jesus Christ to lecture church audiences and occasionally sermonize if they’ll let him, about the threat of global warming.  …more

Scholars explore Catholic path to fossil fuel divestment 5-6-14

Why should Catholic institutions consider divestment from fossil fuels? That question stoked a 40-minute discussion Monday night among scholars during a webinar exploring Catholic perspectives on divestment and reinvestment. Full article