Ever wonder what a group of turkeys is called, or maybe a flock of gulls? Most of us have heard the term a gaggle of geese but what about a group of cardinals? Here’s a fun listing of names for various groups of birds. Many make perfect sense, but some are real head scratchers.
Birds form clusters of organized groups, called flight flocks, for a reason. Most experts believe flocks increase the odds of survival and safety. Flocking can increase the possibility of finding food and protecting each other from trouble and predators. Flocks of birds that fly in “V” formations may be doing so to conserve energy. Birds drafting off of each other’s flapping wings can make the journey easier and less exhausting.
Certain birds, such as starlings, for example, form acrobatic flocks that can turn on a dime to create shapes and undulating feats in the air. This flock behavior is meant to quickly deter their predator, the fast and furious falcon. Other birds, such as dunlins, may synchronize a subtle tilt to their bodies while in a flight flock as a way to camouflage their plumage to confuse predators.
Watch this amazing murmuration of starlings in the United Kingdom!
Bobolinks: chain
Budgerigars: chatter
Buzzards: wake
Cardinals: college, conclave, radiance, Vatican
Catbirds: mewing
Chickadees: banditry
Chickens: peep
Cormorants: flight, gulp, sunning, swim
Coots: cover
Cowbirds: corral, herd
Cranes: herd, dance
Creepers: spiral
Crossbills: crookedness, warp
Crows: murder, congress, horde, muster, cauldron
Doves: bevy, cote, flight, dule
Ducks: raft, team, paddling, badling
Eagles: convocation, congregation, aerie
Emus: mob
Finches: charm, tremblin
Flamingos: flamboyance, stand
Frigatebirds: fleet, flotilla
Geese: skein, wedge, gaggle, plump
Godwits: omniscience, prayer, pantheon
Goldfinches: charm, treasury, vein, rush, trembling
Grosbeaks: gross
Gulls: colony, squabble, flotilla, scavenging, gullery
Herons: siege, sedge, scattering
Hummingbirds: charm, glittering, shimmer, tune, bouquet, hover
Jays: band, party, scold, cast
Kingbirds: coronation, court, tyranny
Kingfishers: concentration, relm, clique, rattle
Knots: cluster
Lapwings: deceit
Larks: bevy, exaltation, ascension, happiness
Loons: asylum, cry, water dance
Magpies: tiding
Mallards: sord, flush
Nightingales: watch
Owls: parliament, wisdom, study, bazaar, glaring
Painted Buntings: mural, palette
Parrots: pandemonium, company, prattle
Partridges: covey
Peafowl: party, ostentation
Pelicans: squadron, pod, scoop
Penguins: colony, huddle, creche, waddle
Phalaropes: swirl, twirl, whirl, whirligig
Pheasants: nye, bevy, bouquet, covey
Plovers: congregation
Quail: battery, drift, flush, rout, shake
Ravens: murder, congress, horde, unkindness
Roadrunners: race, marathon
Rooks: clamour, parliament, building
Sapsuckers: slurp
Skimmers: scoop
Snipe: walk, wisp
Sparrows: host, quarrel, knot, flutter, crew
Starlings: chattering, affliction, murmuration, scourge, constellation
Storks: mustering
Swallows: flight, gulp
Swans: wedge, ballet, lamentation, whiteness, regatta
Teals: spring
Terns: cotillion
Turkeys: rafter, gobble, gang, posse
Turtledoves: pitying
Vultures: committee, venue, volt, wake
Warblers: confusion, wrench, fall
Woodcocks: fall
Woodpeckers: descent, drumming
Wrens: herd, chime
Adapted from The Spruce.
Ross A. Feldner, RCC Board Member
Ross Feldner is the lead, with Bob Musil, of the RCC Bird Watch and Wonder Program. Ross is a life-long birder and photographer who is the editor of the Friends of Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge newsletter. Ross also serves as a guide at the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge, a frequent birding spot for Rachel Carson who first learned about the health effects of DDT at the laboratory there. He is also the owner/art director of New Age Graphics, a full-service graphic design firm in Wheaton, MD.
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